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Southwark Playhouse

Southwark Playhouse

Southwark Playhouse

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Garry Starr Performs Everything

Tickets voor: Garry Starr Performs Everything

Garry Starr Performs Everything

Vanaf € 14,30

Dit is een nieuw product in ons assortiment en het is al mogelijk om tickets te boeken. Informatie in het Nederlands is binnenkort beschikbaar.

Garry Starr defies critics by performing every style of theatre imaginable. Starr tears through genres with little regard for personal safety...or art.  Nothing is sacred during this “masterclass in mockery” (Evening Standard). From Classical to Physical Theatre, Burlesque to Butoh, Melodrama to Mask; even Cirque Nouveau and contemporary ‘Euro Theatre’.  Directed by Cal McCrystal (The Mighty Boosh, Spymonkey, Paddington 1 & 2)  WINNER – Best Physical Theatre & Circus – Sydney Fringe 2022 WINNER – Best Comedy – Manchester Fringe 2018 WINNER – Emerging Artist – Adelaide Fringe 2018 Weekly WINNER – Tour Ready Award – Adelaide Fringe 2018


Garry Starr Performs Everything

77-85 Newington Causeway London SE1 6BD



070 891 26 05 070 891 26 05

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