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Southwark Playhouse

Southwark Playhouse

Southwark Playhouse

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Tickets voor: Afterglow


Vanaf € 28,50

Dit is een nieuw product in ons assortiment en het is al mogelijk om tickets te boeken. Informatie in het Nederlands is binnenkort beschikbaar.

The climax is just the beginning. When Josh and Alex, a married couple in an open relationship, invite Darius to share their bed for a night, a new and intimate connection is ignited. As all three men come to terms with their individual definitions of love, loyalty, and trust, relationships are challenged and futures are shaken. A raw, funny, and sensual exploration of polyamory, commitment, and modern love.  Reuniting its original, record-breaking creative team, including director and creator S. Asher Gelman, international hit sensation Afterglow returns to London.



77-85 Newington Causeway London SE1 6BD



070 891 26 05 070 891 26 05

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